Homeopathic treatments for a number of diseases and disorders are among the most useful and safe methods of treatment. However, if you are using homeopathic drugs, there should be restrictions on certain foodstuffs. Homeopathic medicinal products are taken orally and the small globules are absorbed into the oral cavity and therefore it is advisable to keep away from high smells and tastes of foodstuffs. If a minimum gap between food and medicines is not sustained, effective outcomes will not be produced. It has been explained that no damage to the effect of the medication is done if you do not take any food material half an hour before or after the use of homeopathic drugs. Coffee and homeopathic medicines are controversial, yet coffee is safe to have, but the time must be kept in mind and the gap of a half hour should be maintained. It is the same for onions, garlic, ginger and other foodstuffs with a strong smell. Coffee, on the other hand, acts as an antidote for certain homeopathic drugs. This is because drugs are made with coffee in raw and roasted forms. When you are given some homeopathic remedies, you should ask your homeopath.
Under homeopathy medicines, you do not face such restrictions as long as you follow the half an hour before and after rule. However, the intake of various common food items affects the levels of the disease for certain illnesses where the homeopathic cure is applied. You must take a number of dietary precautions to get results from homeopathic medicines for this purpose.
The following are what you should keep in mind when taking homeopathic medicine.
- Do not touch homeopathic medicinal products; do not stick to the palm before taking them since treatment of medicinal products decreases medicines’ power. The drugs are also spoiled by exposure to unsanitary conditions. Take medicines always with the cap or plain paper of the drug bottle. When you’re using a paper, make sure it doesn’t include a print. Like ink, medicine can be spoiled.
- The rule of half an hour. Do not eat or drink anything half an hour before or after medication. If you want to take medication at 10 am, don’t eat anything at 9.30 a.m. to 10 a.m., take the medicine at 8 p.m. and then take anything until 10.30 am. Water is the only exception to that rule. After or before five minutes after taking the medicines, drinking water is allowed.
- Addictions: Do not smoke, chew tobacco, and drink alcohol, because it may have nullifying effects on the medicines.
- Coffee. A controversial issue in the homeopathy field. Recent research has shown that if you follow: to be free of coffee for half an hour before and after the medicine rule, coffee does not harm even if you use homeopathic medicine, but coffee serves as antidote to some homeopathic remedies; since medicinal products are made in the raw and in the rosted form with coffee. Therefore, your homeopath will be the right person to guide you if your homeopathic medicines are used to make coffee or not.
- Onions, garlic, ginger and other strong smelling materials. Once a half-hour rule has been met, you are eaten in combination with homeopathic medicines, raw onions, garlic, ginger and other strong smelling materials.
- Additional dietary restrictions: Certain dietary restrictions for homeopathic medicines cannot be followed in exceptional cases.. But for illnesses such as bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis or gout, which boost in intensity after taking specific foodstuffs, you must follow dietary restrictions for a certain period until the homeopathic treatment line is taken into account.
More About the Authors
Essential Zen focuses on Homeopathy, which is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice it use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals to stimulate the healing process. It was developed in the late 1700s in Germany and is becoming more popular in the United States. Our mission is to increase that popularity and help it continue to grow.
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